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January 26th, 2009; 11:27pm

WHO: Leigh, Kirley Duke
WHEN: This morning
WHAT: It's my sample I want to share and Laura agreed. Kirley's having an "emergency" on Leigh's day off.

'Thank Merlin, she won't leave.' )

Epic Menorah Log of Epicness [
January 22nd, 2009; 5:31am

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst, Vicky Frobisher, Anthony Goldstein, and Su Li
Where: Starting at Ant and Vicky's flat and heading to Dodderinge.
When: BACKDATED. To, er, sometime during Chanukah.
Summary: A Menorah is put up in Dodderidge Park. Equality of winter holidays or some such.
Rating: PG-13

I rather like the phrase vandalise for equality, to be honest. It has a nice revolutionary ring to it. )

rp log - ritchie and keira [
January 21st, 2009; 3:19am

Characters: Ritchie and Keira Coote
Setting: BACKDATED to Monday, January 20th in the Coote's flat, Building 215
Summary: Keira causes a riot at home after being denied from the Auror Programme (again) and an argument between her and Ritchie ensues.
Rating: PG-13 for language

I'm a damn good hit witch and I'd be a damn good Auror and I shouldn't have to change a thing! )

RP Log: Megan Jones/Demelza Robins [
January 19th, 2009; 1:36pm

Who: Demelza Robins & Megan Jones!
When: evening of December 19
Where: Megan's flat
What: Baking Christmas biscuits! Megan and Demelza chat and drink over baking.
Rating: PG13

I'm supposed to have the Gay Detector, remember? )

RP Log: Stephen/Padma [
January 19th, 2009; 1:32pm

Who: Stephen Cornfoot, Padma Patil
When: BACKDATED. Boxing Day morning.
Where: Their flat
What: After a good Christmas holiday, Padma wakes up to find out that a tsunami hit India.
Rating: PG


RP Log: Daphne/Miles [
January 19th, 2009; 1:28pm

Who: Daphne & Miles Bletchley
When: BACKDATED!! 19th December, after this conversation.
Where: Their flat
What: Daphne & Miles have a talk about Miles's indiscretion.
Rating: PG13 to be safe.

Miles never liked to rest on his laurels, no matter how good his laurels might look. )

Letter for Seamus [
January 10th, 2009; 11:55pm

Sneakily left on Seamus's desk while he was away from his office )

Delivery for Wendy Potter [
January 6th, 2009; 10:44pm

Delivery for Wendy )

rp log: cam & sam [
January 5th, 2009; 11:17pm

Who: Cam and Sam SUMMERBY & Kyle
When: BACKDATED to bright and early on Christmas morning, December 26
Where: Their flat.
What: It's Christmas!!!!
Rating: haha G for a change! ;)
Status: complete

Replace with quote. )

RP Log: Gabrielle and Ernie [
January 1st, 2009; 7:45pm

Who: Gabrielle Delacour and Ernie MacMillan
Where: Liz's flat
When: New Year's Eve
What: Ernie and Gabrielle ring in the new year... so to speak.
Status: Log, complete
Rating: S for Syrupy, sugary, sweet. Sugar content is very high for this one. Warning, diabetics beware.

I kind of really like you. )

RP Log: Rolf & Suzy [
December 29th, 2008; 7:10pm

Characters: Rolf Scamander and Suzy Capper
Setting: Backdate yo! Late afternoon/Early evening, 19th December. Happy hour in a local tavern in Ayacucho, Peru.
Summary: Attempts to take a break from mountains, jungles and dragons to get to know the friendly locals are thwarted when the locals...aren't so friendly.
Rating/Warning: PG I suppose, gets a little rowdy to the end but not too much to warn.

'I don't tend to think about dragons when I've been drinking, love.' She said. 'That's just you' )

Owls! [
December 26th, 2008; 10:17am

[ mood | helpful!! ]

Owl to Terence Higgs )

Owl to Georgie Bloxam )

December 25th, 2008; 1:46pm

Secret Santa present to Hannah )

Owls to Ravenclaws of 98 and other friends: ie, Wendy, Vicky, Fergus, etc )

Christmas owls! [
December 25th, 2008; 10:38am

[ mood | merry!!! ]

Anonymous owl to Lila Moon )

Non anonymous owls to every single person living on Euphoria Lane )

December 24th, 2008; 11:59pm

Characters: Cameron Summerby, his kid, NPCs - the kid's maternal grandparents, and a cameo by Sam Fawcett Summerby ;)
Setting: Backdated to Tuesday, December 23
Summary: UHHH Cam & Sam get to keep Kyle ~officially~ now!
Rating: G

merry christmas )

December 22nd, 2008; 1:05pm

Who: Michael Corner & Kendall Rivers
What: Puppy Shopping!
Where: Their Flat & The Pound?
When: Right after This
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete.

Puppy! Puppy! Puppy! Puppy! )

December 22nd, 2008; 12:05am

Who: Myron Wagtail & his publicist, Addie
When: BACKDATED to Thursday, December 18
Where: Myron's flat
What: Myron picked up some nice ladies the day before.
Rating: Um, PG-13 for hinting at nudity and sex?
Notes: This was my 3rd person sample; Dawn's making me post it.

Myron, for Merlin's sake, what have I told you about picking up prostitutes? )

December 20th, 2008; 5:43am

Who: Marietta and Penelope
What: random reunion
Where: Diagon Alley
When: December 7, around lunchtime
Rating: totally G
Status: Completed Log

random meeting between old friends )

RP Log: Padma, Stephen [
December 18th, 2008; 3:41pm

Who: Stephen Cornfoot & Padma Patil
When: the evening of December 9, after work!
Where: their flat
What: Stephen's angry about the article in the Daily Prophet about Padma.
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete

She didn't really care that her name was being drug through the mud. )

December 16th, 2008; 12:15pm

WHO: Ernie and Gabrielle
WHAT: Hamster shopping and the not-date that sort of turned into a date and now Ernie and Gabrielle are both just confused and blushing a lot.
WHEN: Today after work
WHERE: Magical Menagerie
STATUS: Complete
RATING: woot for the nc-17ness of this log LMAO! G, so G.

He felt like he'd just introduced himself like ten times. )

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